Tuesday 6 May 2014

Is this blog still exist?

You see I haven't write my blog for a long time. I just too busy with students life. Well I'm a former Matriculation student. But who cares that was in the past. I thought life in matriculation would be fun just like in university but I'm totally wrong. I know I'm chasing a degree right now but still matriculation is just like an ordinary school.  How I wish there will be a turnover in my life. Where I can meet Kim Jonghyun and he would be my friend and soon became my boyfriend. That would be nice, but I know that's all in my dream. Don't forge they are not nearby they are across the sea to be honest. This is why I hate how am I living right now. I am so pathetic. I'm just a useless daughter who can't even persuits her career as a student. I failed as a student and now I'm wishing for everything?? You can just keep dreaming on. I want my life to be just like a fanfic. Where I will meet my shining knight armor and he would be protect me 24/7. I may be looks so tomboy-ish but my heart is so fragile. I could be hurt so easily. I'm praying to Allah so he give me a man that will never hurt me again and again. My heart has already broke into pieces but I pick it up back and arrange by myself, how sad. This is the story hen a Romeo meets his Juliette, lol I'm not saying it's the as the old Romeo and Juliette but still the pain in the story is still exist in my love life. I think I'm just confuse with my true feeling, I'm still young so I don't know the true meaning of love. I think that is just a childish love. I just want a man who will always love me and would think of me as their girlfriend and who can also act as a bestfriend. Man, what nonsense I've been writing about....

I want to dream bout him tonight, please I haven't dreamt bout him since last year. I miss him so much, oh what's happening with me. I hate myself actually. I'm just a pathetic little girl who lost in her own a world....please take me back to the right path. My life is just like the four seasons always change in short moment but with the same incident. I still remember how I know him for the first time....but everything has became a memory

Monday 15 April 2013

Inspiration of My Life

"Do you know who am I? Yes I'm Hisashi Mitsui the one who will never give up no matter what happen!!"

" Never underestimate a nameless people (not famous) because the nameless people will turn the table and you will regret it later"

"Lose...?? I won't"

" We Are Strong!!!!!"

Sunday 14 April 2013

All Things Start Now..But I Haven't Ready Yet

Assalamualaikum..long time I haven't write in my blog. Well this is the first post in 2013 ^^;;. I'm here to tell you about about a real challenge in my life. I thought my real life already started before this but it's just test for me to strengthen myself. However I'm failed to make myself stronger and I have a lot of weaknesses. Now I realized my real life already started but I don't think I'm ready yet. I can't even handle myself yet and how to go faraway from my family. All burden seems to be directly on my tiny shoulders. I can't think straight right now. Recently I have this problem where I always need some time to be alone. My mind seems to be wandering a lot, especially on night. I need someone but I can't always depend myself on people. I need to be strong to fight all challenges in my life. I have a friend who have the same problem as me. Why I always felt lonely. I felt that nobody there to help me. I need to stand on myself. I started to avoid from watching any korean variety/drama because somehow I felt boring just sitting at house without doing nothing. The truth is I really want to help my umma. She have this huge burden handle by herself. I should help her by now not just sitting and doing nothing. I need a job then I can give money and help her. Please I don't want life to be miserable like this. I believe I can fight all this test from Allah. I have the strength, and my family always support me. I gave my trust towards them and believe in myself that I can do it. It's important to have a positive thinking right now. Ok...annyeong I don't know what to write anymore in this post xD

Thursday 18 October 2012

Ada Orang Ingat Aku Ni Bodoh...

Assalamualaikum...saya kat sini nak sharing sebuah cita. Aq ni dipandang rendah oleh sorang mamat ni. Aq taw aq ni kan lembab sikit. Apa2 berita yang orang lain dah taw lama aq bru nak tau. Oleh sebab itu, dia selalu kata aq ni x faham apa yang dia cakap. Hello? I'm not a 5 years old girl. Maybe if u see me like that. So dengan perasaan mamarazzi aq ni..aq p chatting ngan dia kat fb. Guess what dia cita kat aq dari A sampai Z. Last2 sekali semua yang dia cita kat aq dah lapuk. Tapi aq cma buat innocent macam x tau apa... sedangkan aku dah tau semua cita. Nasib baek aku ada back up ramai. Well nak buat macam mana dia memang suka buat teruk. Biaq kat dia la aq x kisah. Ingat aq nak ambik taw sangat pasai dya. Dia yang gedik dok cerita kat aq. Bajet kata x mau orang tau relationship dia ngan seseorang tapi dia dok cita habeh kat semua orang.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Please help Me, I'm addict to Twitter!!!

Well..lama gila2 tak update blog aq. Dah berhabuk tahap cipan. Laa ni aq nak habaq aq addict sangat2 dengan twitter. Aq tak tau camna bleh jadi camni. Aq dah bukak account twitter dah lama dari tahun lepas, tapi tak la addict sgat. Sejak dari semalam aq start addict dengan twitter sebab aq try online pkai smartphone kak aq. Time 2 aq mla kna serang dengan penyakit twitter ni..Aigoo~~ Tapi best la layan twitter daripada aq layan FB derek timeline sengap ja. Layan twitter kawan pun aq dapat (shawol) berita pun aq dapat >_<. Kalau FB haram aq men macam budak kecik sembang sorang2. Huhu...sedeynya. Tengok lawa x timeline Twitter aq..hehe Pinky and Blinky SHINee!!!! Aq risau sangat2 sebab time spm dah nak dekat, time ni jugak aq nak addict dekat twitter pun. So help me I don't want to get a bad result >_<!!!! [Extra] Hehe...Onew dah bukak Twitter account baru tapi... dia derek sembang dengan kawan dia. Aq rindu la tweet Jonghyun, walaupun dia tweet benda merapu tapi dia tetap bleh bagi semua Shawol gelak..:)) 
Assalamualaikum...first time update blog pagi2...x pernahnya dibuat aq.. OH, I'M CURIOUS YEAH!!!

Sunday 18 March 2012

OH!! OH!!! OH!! My Blog Dah Siap Di Renovate!!!!

Assalamualaikum!!! 1st of all Kamsahamnida 3X to My lovey - dovey friends Nurhayati Shima and Nursyuhada Annas. Thank you sebab bagitau kat aq camna nak design blog. Now blog aq dah cantik dari pandangan mata aq. Aq rasa blog orang lain is more better than aq punya blog. Tapi aq best gila, sebelum ni puas hati bukak PC sampai 9 jam tapi hampeh apa pun x jadi. So to my beloved friends kamsahamnida again ^^ I love you so much!!! Ala.. tapi aq rindu star2 aq yang sebelum ni. Jam ni pun awat bergerak laju sangat ntah.. x dan nak wat pa dah pun kena p tusyen... haha nanti lagi rajin la aq update blog aq ni kan..Pai~Pai ^^

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Online 24 Jam

Hari ni aq bangun tidoq pukul 5 pg (HAHA...awai kan???) Pastu yang paling best aq mimpii apa ntah tetiba bukak PC aq lpaih smayang. Online trus (gla ka apa online pgi - pagi) Aq bukak PC trus log in FB ngan Twitter aq. Tapi haram timeline smua lengang x dak sapa nak sembang boring la. Tapi aq bkan bleh klu online tu nak kna berjam-jam. Lpaih smayang subuh aq continue balik. Lama - lama aq terlajak online smpai pukui 7 x ingat plak yang abang aq nak online pagi2 ni. So aq pon berenti la. Later aq pon p la tengok TV crita "Saving Shiloh" best la crita ni. X jadi plak hajat aq nak smbong tidoq. Lpas habih movie tu, aq trasa boring tahap cipan . Aq pon men keyboard. Tapi tetap x leh menghilangkan keboringan aq ni. Aq pon wat "Add Math" sambil dgq lagu dlm MP3 aq. Gla naik serabut kepala aq wat add math. Dari x mengantok sampai aq jadi lali cam ni smbil wat add math  

Aq dah x tahan sgt, aq pon p la wat maggi sbb perot dok bunyi mcm ada dram dlam perot aq. Skip...2 pm aq sambong online. Tetiba aq dengaq macam ada mai rumah aq. Rupa- rupanya kak long aq dia singgah nak wat pa pon x tau la. Aq ignore ja and continue online. Pkui 5 dok check pasai album SHINee. Aq pre-order (cehhhh...belagak kta aq pre-order, Aq cma order orang lain yang bayaq). Lepas check smua tu kak aq ajak kluaq dia nak hantaq bju kat tailor. Aq ikowt la da boring sgat x tau nak wat pa. Kmi pi makan ice -cream dkt mc donald bawak skali ngan awang jejun n mek zahirah. Aigoo~ penat gla jaga depa. 

Kmi balik dalm pukoi 7. Guess what? aq sambong bukak balik PC aq. Main x mau2 brnti sat smayang maghrib pastu main la sampai la pkoi 9.20 p.m tgh update blog, bertwitter and berFB. Assalamualaikum~ dah nak kna halau ngan kak teh aq dah T_T